Serving Property Managers, Universities, and Businesses Nationwide

It’s time to take control of the high risk vendor work being performed onsite

Decrease property and employee liabilities, theft, and health risk

Certificates of Insurance have been supplied. How do we know the workers on the job site are employed and covered by the High Risk Vendor’s insurance?

Our quick audit will organize and identify the risk level before the job takes place. At a glance you will know the level of risk at each job before it takes place.

Protect Your Liabilities Now

How do we know these risks exist?

The founders of VendVeri owned and operated a high risk vendor service for 16 years. They know your liabilities firsthand. It’s time to protect your business!

CEO & Business Development - “I’ve managed 1000’s of jobs on the ground floor. It always amazed me once we were let on the property no one checked who and how the job was really being done! I followed the rules, but soon realized most don’t!”

COO & Administration - "I always set up the insurance and answered questions before jobs started. However, I soon noted that some really important things were not being asked. Leaving huge liability gaps for our customers and building owners”

Have you checked to see if the certificate of insurance is real?

What’s needed to forge a certificate of insurance?

  • Acrobat Reader
  • 15 minutes of time

Our quick audit will validate that the insurance is real and enforced!

Protect Your Liabilities Now

Protect your assets and make sure no theft takes place.

Do you know the names of people on the job site? What if one of them steals something and the high risk vendor claims to have no knowledge of that person?

You need to know who is on these job sites. Our quick audit will gather and supply all that information before the job starts.

Make sure you keep employee and tenants' health in their best interest.

A high risk job can have 5-40 new people on your premises at any given time. If contact tracing is necessary you want that information quickly for the protection of your people and others

We will have all that information organized for you! Now you can show that due diligence was done to protect the wellbeing of all the people on the premises. Also if contact tracing is necessary it can be implemented quickly.

What makes a vendor high risk?

  • A vendor whose services include a high level of labor, handling industrial equipment, and also moving heavy items.

Some examples of High Risk Vendors

  • Movers
  • Junk Haulers
  • Demolition
  • Construction
  • Painters
  • Cleaners

Common Hiring Traits Among High Risk Vendors

  • Many workers hired under the table for specific jobs (this avoids higher Workers Comp and Payroll Costs for the vendor).
  • Little to no training when performing the work and following safety measures.
  • Can lack proper protective gear on job site.

All of these traits create a higher risk situation for injury, theft, damage, and on site health traceability.

Common Traits of Under the Table Workers

  • More likely to be monetarily challenged.
  • With no attachment to the vendor chances are higher they will seek legal action.
  • Will seek legal action against multiple parties for an injury.
  • Can sometimes be more prone to theft.

This is not all cases but many! Bottom line, it greatly increases your risks on all levels!

Subcontractors of High Risk Vendors

The high risk vendor supplied insurance. They now have full access to your property.

Makes you wonder

  • Do the subcontractors have insurance?
  • Are you listed as an additional insured on their policy?
  • Is the subcontractor listed as an additional insured on the vendors policy?
  • How do you know if they are bringing on their own sub-contractors?
  • Who is the subcontractor bringing onsite?

Our Simple Process


  • Send us the High Risk Vendor (HRV) Contact Information.


  • We Email the Quick Audit to the High Risk Vendor (HRV).


  • The HRV Fills Out the Quick Audit.


  • We Make the sure Audit is Complete.
  • Review Risk.


  • Receive Complete Audit.
  • Color Coded to show high, medium, moderate, low risk.

High Risk Protection Provided

Things you will know by using our service

  • The vendor’s insurance really is enforced.
  • Names of all the workers on the jobsite.
  • All the workers are actual employees or subcontractors.
  • The employees are trained for the work they are performing.
  • And much, much, more.

A Final Message From Our Founders

Our High Risk business of 16 years is still up and running successfully! We didn't want to start another venture! However, we knew it was our responsibility to shed light and bring safety to many exposed job site liabilities! Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about safety and liability protection!

Industries Served

While they do not have as many High Risk jobs onsite they are by the least educated on the liabilities that exist. Vendveri is going to bring a new level of accountability and safety. It will protect the integrity of your business, employee health and safety.

© 2021 VendVeri All rights reserved